It was our second TeleTrip for the Mobile Legends players and so glad to see familiar faces again at TeleTrip Campus SUTD – Mobile Legends on 15 June 2019. We are thankful to be part of MLBB Esports for Everyone Project once again, which allowed us to award in-game diamonds to the players. All the players’ efforts are greatly appreciated for joining us and sharing about TeleTrip to your friends and gaming groups!
Fired Up
It was amazing to see how energetic the players were in the morning! While some players came in an hour early and some came straight after work, their energy to chat with each other, to focus during TeleTalk and to discuss the game was constantly high. This time, we had a room full of (mythical) stars and even players with age ranging from 13 to 38 years old!
As usual, we started with self-introduction to warm up with each other and to understand our opponents. Without any delays, everyone shared their in-game name and favourite heroes. The players made sure that the facilitators and organisers introduced ourselves too!
Based on the previous feedback from TeleTripers to have a chance to play against every team, we decided to change TeleMatch format to a round-robin best-of-two where the winner is determined by the most number of wins. To spice things up, in a case where there’s a tie-breaker, the team with the most kills wins TeleMatch. This encouraged the players to not only think about winning but also to play more carefully and strategically.
It was a privilege to watch the players overcome their circumstances as a team throughout the day. Below are some key events that happened to each team.
- Communication – how it greatly impacted their games positively
- Teamwork – one for all, all for one – staying together through the bad weather (or cold aircon and unstable data connection)
- Objective-gaming – to play on own team’s strengths & objectives and not react to the opponents’ strengths and movement.
Keeping Team Morale High: Team 1
In their first game of TeleMatch, Team 1 lost badly to Team 2. Some of the players were affected by the loss. At this moment, some of the older players took the initiative to encourage the team and focus on their game plan. This little action went a long way as Team 1 managed a comeback and took game 2 off Team 2 convincingly. Throughout the day, the older players kept the team morale up while the younger players kept the energy level up through the wins and losses.
Learning to Accept Each Other: Team 2
Team 2 was made up of players with very diverse personalities. Some players loved chatting and hyping the game up while some players preferred the peace to focus on the game. Although they had their own preferences on how the games should be played, they decided to complement each other’s weaknesses with their strengths and even ended up scoring the most kills, winning the Most Teamwork Prize!
Playing According to the Team’s Strength: Team 3
Team 3 was a team with good communications and teamwork demonstrated even in the warm up round, almost as if they were playing together for a long time. They won their games until they met Team 4, who was a strong contender. In their first game against Team 4, the game was really close and a slight mistake was all it took for Team 4 to win. The second game went badly for Team 3, which left them to think if they got figured out.
Turned out that Team 3 was distracted by Team 4’s drafting and tried to counter them instead of focusing on their own strategy and strengths. After discussing with the team and reflecting on the game, Team 3 managed to continuously refine their team plays throughout TeleMatch.
Effective Communication: Team 4
During the warm up game, it was quite obvious that Team 4 lacked communication due to the silence. Although they won the warm up game and their first game at TeleMatch, most of them were playing silo.
In order to improve communications in the team, players who were playing in the same lane sat beside each other. This gave the opportunity for them to nudge each other physically for responses. They learnt to call out their targets during a team fight so that they knew who they were planning to take down first and coordinated their fights better.
Team 4’s communication improved significantly throughout the games and ended up winning all their games.
(An interesting note about Team 4: Their team was so close that they decided to move out of the room during gameplay when some of the players were feeling cold and came back into the room during the break as a team)
Trying Their Best No Matter What: Team 5
Team 5 had an interesting situation: they lacked a mid player and had a limited hero pool. Despite this, they tried their best in every game. It would be easy to give up and blame their circumstances. Instead, they did not complain and focused on the small goals of 15 kills that we set together. Once when I passed their team, they looked at me and said “we reached 15 kills!” cheerfully. With such sportsmanship and determination, it was no wonder that Team 5 ended up achieving the Most Spirited Team award!
Objective Gaming: Team 6
Team 6 had a player down due to flu and had to be replaced with one of our facilitators after their warm up game. Despite the player swaps, they were determined to focus on the next game. They discussed intensely with Freddy our facilitator, after their games, focusing on in-game objectives. Even though the first few games were rough, the team managed to improve and proved that they were the team to beat, resulting in the Most Improved Team award.
Even though they won all their games, the team remained humble and still continued to reflect on what could have been improved after every game. Truly deserving of their winner title!
Really impressed with every team’s progress during TeleTrip. Great job guys!
Prize Presentation and Pizza Party
We had five TeleTrip Campus winner tags for the winning team. We had additional prizes for the “Most Improvement Team”, “Best Teamwork”, “Most Spirited Team”, “MVP” and “Best Support” as well. The winning team received an Aftershock mouse each. “Best Teamwork” received Aftershock backpacks and “Most Improvement Team” received Aftershock mousepads.
Additional prizes:
- TeleMatch winners received 1000 diamonds per player
- “Most Improvement Team” and “Best Teamwork” received 500 diamonds per player
- “Most Spirited Team” received 200 diamonds per player
- “MVP” and “Best Support” received 300 diamonds each
- All participants did not go home empty-handed. Those who were not awarded prizes received 100 diamonds each.
Also, special mention to Nafeeq who really wanted his friends to experience TeleTrip and was even willing to cover their costs, only to realise that they could not make it last minute. We are unable to refund him as part of our policy. To appreciate his heart towards TeleTrip and as a form of encouragement, we decided to award him a token of appreciation with the diamonds that his three friends were supposed to receive, a total of 300 diamonds. Double-win for him as he ended TeleTrip as a victor with additional diamonds!
With six June babies in the midst of us, we decided to celebrate the birthdays of Bryan, Ye Man, Caleb, Brian Gabriel, Calvin and Jayce! As this was a surprise, they did not know why they were called out until the cake appeared and we sang the birthday song. Happy blessed birthday!
After stuffing themselves with pizzas, it was time to bond during the pizza party. What better way to bond other than playing the game we love together? We ended up forming random in-game parties to play the different modes, including the facilitators and me! It was really heartwarming to see everybody having lots of joy and laughter while playing the game, despite our different ranks, experience, and age.
I am so glad to see how excited and bonded the players were after TeleTrip and to the point of asking when the next TeleTrip is! We all stayed in touch via a WhatsApp group and till this day, we’re still gaming and chatting with each other.
Thank Yous!
Thank you SUTD for providing the venue for TeleTrip Campus! Appreciate the support from all our partners, MLBB Esports for Everyone Project, AftershockPC, Kangaroo Nuts and SCOGA in making this TeleTrip Campus possible. Shoutout to Freddy and Wah Yi for all the help. Last but not least, to the gamers who came and made TeleTrip such a fun and memorable day for all of us ^-^
Hope to see you at the next TeleTrip Campus!
Facebook Photo Album of TeleTrip Campus SUTD Jun 2019: https://www.facebook.com/pg/soos.oio.sg/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2157366694554495
Instastory of TeleTrip Campus SUTD Jun 2019: https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE4MDU3OTEyNzEyMDk5MzI0/?igshid=99mgbg96y5zi
Details of TeleTrip Campus SUTD Jun: http://soos-oio.com/teletrip-campus-sutd-jun-2019-mobile-legends/